Patience, kindness and consistency is what every dog needs.

  • At Snazzy Dog your fur babies and their comfort are our top priority. 

  • We ask for a MINIMUM of 2 hours for a full haircut on a small dog or 3-4 hours for a medium to large dog.  However,  these times can vary depending on each individual pup. Remember- we never rush through our services, so if your fur baby needs a break or two then they are allowed that. 

  • We do not rush through the grooming process, instead we go at a pace that is most comfortable for each individual dog to ensure their comfort and safety. 

  • We do not believe in “getting it done no matter what”. We work with the dogs until they are comfortable with us. This may take several visits to accomplish but it is very beneficial for the dog. 

  • If we are unable to safely perform a task such as ear cleaning/plucking or nail trimming we will refer you to a vet to have those things done.  

  • We believe in humanity over vanity. This means that if your dog is matted (tangles that are tight and to the skin) we will shave with the longest blade that will easily get through the matting. We absolutely will NOT de-mat as it is extremely uncomfortable and unpleasant for the dog. Remember, it is just hair and it WILL grow back! 

  • We require all of our clients to be on a once per month schedule with appointments booked out through the year. This way we are able to get to know you and your fur baby and they learn to enjoy coming to see us. Not only that but this ensures the pup's skin, coat and nails stay in good condition. 

  • Our booking system sends out an appointment reminder text THREE days before your appointment and gives you the option to confirm or cancel so we know whether or not you can make it.  

  • We understand that life happens and are happy to work with you if you have to cancel or reschedule an appointment, HOWEVER, we HAVE to be notified if you cannot make it.

  • Payment is due between the 1st and the 5th of each month. This ensures your spot in our schedule and is not optional. If payment is not received by the 5th there will be a $15 late charge added for each day that is late. 
  • We DO NOT recommend shaving double coated dogs unless medically necessary ( Huskies, Pomeranians, Shepherds, ect.) These coat types are meant to provide insulation for the dog. It keeps them cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Stripping the coat takes away their protection from the elements.

Puppy Grooming (2-5 months)

  • We do not give full haircuts to puppies on their first couple of visits, we instead do a Tidy Up which includes cutting around the eyes, feet and sanitary areas (bath is always included)

  • Puppies are very impressionable, everything is new and scary. We want to ensure your pup's first visits are as calm and enjoyable as possible so they understand that grooming is not a scary experience.


Senior Pet Grooming

  • When a dog reaches senior status(10+ years) it is more than likely set in its ways. We will do what the dog allows us to do, not the other way around.

  • At this stage in life grooming is more for their comfort rather than looks.

  • If grooming proves to be too stressful for the pet we will stop services and send the dog home.

  • Remember that at Snazzy Dog, we ALWAYS have the dog's best interest in mind.